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Borland Delphi Enterprise

    In the course of training in programming in Visual Basic, Delphi, Java or C++ trainees are usually offered to write as the first program the program "Hello Word". It is possibly right. As a rule you need only 2-3 code lines to write the program. Would you believe that your second program in any of the languages can contain about 1900 code lines, use scores of objects, process signals from keyboard and work with Timer? And would you believe that programming in one of the languages (VB, Delphi, Java or C++) you would master in 2-3 days two other languages from the list?

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    Ebook. Manual on development of a
logic game in Delphi is identical to the manual versions for VB, Java and C++. It would help you to master new programming languages in a short time. The manual includes Word document with step-by-step description of the process of program development, screenshots, procedure codes and 14 complete listings in Delphi (Borland Delphi Enterprice Version 5 Build 5.62) illustrating all stages of programming in Delphi-Application.

© by Valery V SHmeleff
Game algorithm description
    Game is conducted on a game field, which is optional size field (limited only to display size or convenience of programming). Since later on we’ll describe the process of developing the game graphic and PDA-versions, we have chosen 8x5 for the game table.
     Game form - table
    All cells of the game field (table) are filled with symbols denoting the cell nominal values:
    [-1,-5,-10,-15,-25] - deduct the indicated points from your account.
    [1,5,10,15,25] - add the indicated points to your account.
    [B] - deducts 200 points from your account.
    [P] - adds 100 points to your account.
    [T] - adds 500 points to your account.
    [Z] - zeroes your account.
    [END] - ends the game.
    The player can perform only 2 actions on the game field:
    1 – put “marker” on any cell of the game field bottom line only once at the game start (by clicking on the cell field).
    2 – on putting the “marker”, the player can move it right or left along the game field bottom line by means of left and right arrows (keyboard button).
    All cell nominal values to be “visited” by the player “marker” will be added to score. “Marker” is a cell highlighted in blue Delphi Ebook. . To put a marker, click on any cell of the game field bottom line. “Marker” may be put only once. Then it can be moved many times.
    As soon as the player has put the
marker, game starts. Game is conducted for time. A linear color indicator counts time intervals, at which all lines of game field are moved one line down. At that, a cell with a losing value may fall on the player “marker”. The player goal is to move the marker along winning cells, increase the score as possible, and watch the “marker” not to be “caught” by the cell from above with a losing nominal value (e.g., |Z|- score zeroing).
    Free logical game - free Delphy projects
    Game is not as simple as it may seem. Its program has additional functions: acceleration and slowing down of game, changing winning cells frequency at the player large score. Game Oflameron may be realized in its
static version, with no account of time. This version may have its benefits in the game process.
    Game goal is to increase the score. Game (theoretically endless) may be stopped in the following situations: 1) the player “marker” falls to a cell with |End| nominal 2) the player score becomes negative 3) game has time limitation. Such flexibility of game algorithm allows to create a great number of its versions – with accumulation of “lives”, introduction of extra bonuses (cell nominal values), loading graphic design from the Internet, network versions for 2 players (
static version) and paper version.
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GAME Programming
    Create Project as Delphi5 Project1.pas and Form1, its size being 343õ302. A
GroupBox1: TGroupBox, StaticText1StaticText55 element is to be placed at the Form1. Where StaticText1StaticText6 is a Level column, StaticText7StaticText46 are nominal playing area cells, StaticText47-48 present control footing information. A lower color indicator is formed by StaticText49-StaticText55.
    Number arrays correspond to a Level element column and a playing area.
    Game level -
StaticText1StaticText6 is a Level column
    Create another
StaticText56 to temporarily store a generated cell nominal and its colour attributes (highlighted at the figure).
    Oflameron game form
    Delphi element StaticText - temporarily store a generated cell nominal and its colour attributes
    On the start of the game fill in playing area cells with random-number generator values. Random-number generator code:
    StaticText7.Caption :=IntToStr(Random(20));
//Generates a random number = from 0 to 20
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Color indicator - Set lower color indicator size:
    StaticText49.Height :=8;
    StaticText50.Height :=8;
    StaticText51.Height :=8;
    StaticText52.Height :=8;
    StaticText53.Height :=8;
    StaticText54.Height :=8;
    StaticText55.Height :=8;
    StaticText49.Width :=32;
    StaticText50.Width :=32;
    StaticText51.Width :=32;
    StaticText52.Width :=32;
    StaticText53.Width :=32;
    StaticText54.Width :=32;
    StaticText55.Width :=32;
field array and i,j variable:
    Form1: TForm1;
    St: systemtime;
field: array[0..20, 0..20] of Integer; // Array for the playing area
i: byte;
j: byte;
    Let us fill in game array cells
field[0..20, 0..20] with values from the generator of random numbers:
    function FieldFill : integer;
{Let us fill cell array Field with random number generator values
    for i := 0 to 8 do
      for j := 0 to 6 do
    field[i, j] :=Random(20);
    Now, procedure function Color_Chars of calculation of the nominal value of game area cell and its color attributes (cell background color and font color) shall be calculated basing on array element value. Example for processing of elements of the array
field[0..20, 0..20] corresponding to cells of the bottom line of the game area (write them down to StaticText56):
            Procedure code
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    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    As a result there appears a nominal copying function GameField_Fill from a responsible cell StaticText56, while a function Color_Chars is changed in the following way:
            Procedure code
    Such variant of filling a playing area with START values (at the start of the game) cannot be considered as an optimal one. However it is very demonstrable for algorithm understanding.
    To see how it works add another TForm1.StaticText56Click procedure
    procedure TForm1.StaticText56Click(Sender: TObject);
    k := 0;
    Now, clicking the mouse to StaticText56 you can see if the cell nominals values and their colour attributes are changed correctly.
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Now develop Num_Move() procedure to overwrite playing area cells’ values and color attributes in a row-wise top-down way and to fill a playing area top row with new values (i.e., new cell values are input in the game from the top row). The procedure contains copying operators. You can develop a more optimal copying algorithm.
    function Num_Move : integer;
    k := 0;
    for j := 0 to 5 do
      for i := 0 to 7 do
        field[i, j] := field[i, j + 1];
    To see how top-down copying values and cell attributes works, create a temporary click handling procedure at StaticText6 (cell Level 1):
    procedure TForm1.StaticText6Click(Sender: TObject);
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Now it necessary to add function Up_Str_App code to fill in the playing area top row with new values.
    function Up_Str_App : integer;
    for i := 0 to 7 do
      field[i, 5] :=Random(20);
    Call Up_Str_App from function Num_Move:
    function Num_Move : integer;
    k := 0;
      for j := 0 to 5 do
        for i := 0 to 7 do
          field[i, j] := field[i, j + 1];
  Android Studio Open Source  

    Click the mouse to the StaticText6 ( Level     1     ) field and see how it works!
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Now it is necessary to write a handling code for player’s placing a game marker in any
bottom row cell of the playing area.
    Create a trigger
firstset = 0
Trigger=0, if a marker has not been placed in the bottom row yet.
    General code fragment that handles marker placing in the bottom row:
    procedure TForm1.StaticText7Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText7.Color := $00FD1117;
//Marker color
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 0;
//StaticText7 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText8Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText8.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 1;
//StaticText8 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText9Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText9.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 2;
//StaticText9 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText10Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText10.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 3;
//StaticText10 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText11Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText11.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 4;
//StaticText11 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText12Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText12.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 5;
//StaticText12 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText13Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText13.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 6;
//StaticText13 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText14Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText14.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 7;
//StaticText14 cell
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//Trigger. No use again
    Borland Delphi game project
    The possibility of placing a marker on one cell only can be checked. Now it is necessary to provide a marker being saved (in terms of cell turning   blue  ) when shifting cells top – down.

    The function Marker_Reset : integer of marker colour restoring after playing area cells shifting top-down:
    function Marker_Reset : integer
    if markersave = 0 then Form1.StaticText7.Color := $00FD1117;
//Marker color restoring
    if markersave = 1 then Form1.StaticText8.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 2 then Form1.StaticText9.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 3 then Form1.StaticText10.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 4 then Form1.StaticText11.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 5 then Form1.StaticText12.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 6 then Form1.StaticText13.Color := $00FD1117;
    if markersave = 7 then Form1.StaticText14.Color := $00FD1117;
    Now activate Marker_Reset() procedure to operate in a top-down shift procedure. In the bottom of function Num_Move procedure insert the following code (highlighted in red):
    function Num_Move : integer;
//Fill in the top row with new nominals
    k := 0;
//Cells counter
      for j := 0 to 5 do
        for i := 0 to 7 do
          field[i, j] := field[i, j + 1];
    Marker_Reset(); //Marker redraw
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    The procedure to save color attributes of all bottom row cells before placing the marker:
    function Save_Color : integer;
    savecolor[0] :=Form1.StaticText7.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText7
    savecolor[1] :=Form1.StaticText8.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText8
    savecolor[2] :=Form1.StaticText9.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText9
    savecolor[3] :=Form1.StaticText10.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText10
    savecolor[4] :=Form1.StaticText11.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText11
    savecolor[5] :=Form1.StaticText12.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText12
    savecolor[6] :=Form1.StaticText13.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText13
    savecolor[7] :=Form1.StaticText14.Color;
//Save bgcolor StaticText14
    Write a score count function Set_Marker_Count when placing a marker in the beginning of the game.
    function Set_Marker_Count : integer;
      if n = 0 then
      If markersave = 0 Then et := field[0, 0];
      If markersave = 1 Then et := field[1, 0];
      If markersave = 2 Then et := field[2, 0];
      If markersave = 3 Then et := field[3, 0];
      If markersave = 4 Then et := field[4, 0];
      If markersave = 5 Then et := field[5, 0];
      If markersave = 6 Then et := field[6, 0];
      If markersave = 7 Then et := field[7, 0];
    Form1.Caption := IntToStr(markersave);
//Print count
      if et = 0 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+1';
      if et = 1 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-1';
      if et = 2 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+5';
      if et = 3 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-5';
      if et = 4 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+10';
      if et = 5 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-10';
      if et = 6 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+15';
      if et = 7 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-15';
      if et = 8 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+25';
      if et = 9 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+500';
      if et = 10 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+100';
      if et = 11 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-200';
      if et = 12 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '0';
      if et = 13 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '0';
      if et = 14 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := 'End';
      if et = 15 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-10';
      if et = 16 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-5';
      if et = 17 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-1';
      if et = 18 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+1';
      if et = 19 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '+5';
      if et = 20 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '-25';
      n := 1;
//No use again
    Now attach a score count function Set_Marker_Count in each of click procedures for bottom row cells:

    procedure TForm1.StaticText7Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText7.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 0;
//markersave := 0 - for StaticText7
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText8Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText8.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 1;
//markersave := 1 - for StaticText8
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText9Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText9.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 2;
//markersave := 2 - for StaticText9
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText10Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText10.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 3;
//markersave := 3 - for StaticText10
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText11Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText11.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 4;
//markersave := 4 - for StaticText11
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText12Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText12.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 5;
//markersave := 5 - for StaticText12
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText13Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText13.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 6;
//markersave := 6 - for StaticText13
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    procedure TForm1.StaticText14Click(Sender: TObject);
    if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText14.Color := $00FD1117;
    if firstset = 0 then markersave := 7;
//markersave := 7 - for StaticText14
    if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
//No use again
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Rewrite function Set_Marker_Count
    function Set_Marker_Count : integer;
      if n = 0 then
      If markersave = 0 Then et := field[0, 0];
      If markersave = 1 Then et := field[1, 0];
      If markersave = 2 Then et := field[2, 0];
      If markersave = 3 Then et := field[3, 0];
      If markersave = 4 Then et := field[4, 0];
      If markersave = 5 Then et := field[5, 0];
      If markersave = 6 Then et := field[6, 0];
      If markersave = 7 Then et := field[7, 0];
    Form1.Caption := IntToStr(markersave);
//Print count
      if n = 0 then
      tk := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText48.Caption);
//Count to digit      See details ::
//StrToInt - converts an Integer string, such as '123' into an Integer
      if et = 0 then tk := tk +1;
//Cell nominal
      if et = 0 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
//StaticText48 - counter cell
      if et = 1 then tk := tk -1;
//Cell nominal
      if et = 1 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 2 then tk := tk +5;
// ...
      if et = 2 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 3 then tk := tk -5;
      if et = 3 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 4 then tk := tk +10;
      if et = 4 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 5 then tk := tk -10;
      if et = 5 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 6 then tk := tk +15;
      if et = 6 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 7 then tk := tk -15;
      if et = 7 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 8 then tk := tk +25;
      if et = 8 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 9 then tk := tk +500;
//Nominal [T]
      if et = 9 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 10 then tk := tk +100;
//Nominal [P]
      if et = 10 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 11 then tk := tk -200;
//Nominal [B]
      if et = 11 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 12 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '0';
//Nominal [Z]
      if et = 13 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := '0';
//Nominal [Z]
      if et = 14 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := 'End';
//End game
      if et = 14 then Application.Terminate;
//End game
      if et = 15 then tk := tk -10;
      if et = 15 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 16 then tk := tk -5;
      if et = 16 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 17 then tk := tk -1;
      if et = 17 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 18 then tk := tk +1;
      if et = 18 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 19 then tk := tk +5;
      if et = 19 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      if et = 20 then tk := tk -25;
      if et = 20 then Form1.StaticText48.Caption := IntToStr(tk);
      n := 1;
//No use again. Marker already set

    Now write a score counting procedure at cells’ shifting top-down. Procedure looks like extremely simple:
    function Dn_Count : integer;
    n := 0;
//Temporary enable Set_Marker_Count
    To demonstrate the procedure operation, insert the procedure call in a top-down cell row shifting procedure TForm1.StaticText6Click
    procedure TForm1.StaticText6Click(Sender: TObject);
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Create a procedure of linear color indicator Free delphi game tutorial operation. Add Timer1 to the form and enable it at once.
    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    IndLent := IndLent + 1;
    if IndLent = 9 then Timer1.Interval := 500;
//Timer interval recovery
      if IndLent = 9 then IndLent := 0;
//Draw linear color indicator
    Procedure of linear color indicator operation:
    function Print_Ind : integer;
    if IndLent = 1 then Form1.StaticText55.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 2 then Form1.StaticText54.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 3 then Form1.StaticText53.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 4 then Form1.StaticText52.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 5 then Form1.StaticText51.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 6 then Form1.StaticText50.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 7 then Form1.StaticText49.Visible := False;
    if IndLent = 7 then Form1.Timer1.Interval := 100;
    if IndLent = 7 then
//Draw full linear color indicator
      Form1.StaticText55.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText54.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText53.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText52.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText51.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText50.Visible := True;
      Form1.StaticText49.Visible := True;
    You can see how the indicator works.
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Now you should disable the timer and enable it after the market has been placed in a playing area bottom row. Insert timer enabling in a marker placing procedure in a playing area bottom row (to be more exact – in a score counting procedure after marker placing Set_Marker_Count(), since the procedure is common for all cells of a lower level).
    At the end of the procedure Set_Marker_Count() there is a line:
    Form1.Timer1.Enabled := True;
//Timer1 is ON
    When a linear color indicator disappears completely, it is necessary to shift down all rows with playing area cells (TForm1.StaticText6Click procedure) to the marker, count scores and fill in a playing area top row with new nominal values.
    TForm1.Timer1Timer operation procedure looks like the following way:
    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    IndLent := IndLent + 1;
    if IndLent = 9 then Num_Move();//Move game levels (Rows)
    if IndLent = 9 then Dn_Count();
    if IndLent = 9 then Timer1.Interval := 500;
//Restore interval
    if IndLent = 9 then IndLent := 0;
//Draw indicator
    End If
    Now it is necessary to write handling of pressing down the key and marker’s moving to the right / left along the bottom row of playing area cells.
    procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
//Handling of pressing right and left arrow keys
    Form1.Caption := IntToStr(Key);
//Print key kode for debugging purposes
markersave variable shows a unique playing area bottom row cell that contains a marker. Write a procedure of marker moving to the left / right along the bottom row:
    function Move_Point_Left : integer;
//Move marker to left
      if markersave = 0 then
//If the most left cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 7;
//More to the left of the most left cell - the MOST RIGHT (cyclic transition)
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText7.Color := savecolor[0];
//To restore color of a background of a cell where the marker was
//As in TForm1.StaticText14Click procedure. Set marker
      if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
      if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText14.Color :=
      if firstset = 0 then markersave := 7;
      if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    markersave := vt;
//Restore markersave
    n := 0;
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in

    Full code for function Move_Point_Left
    function Move_Point_Left : integer;
    if markersave = 0 then
//If the most Left cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 7;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText7.Color := savecolor[0];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText14.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 7;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 1 then
//If the StaticText8 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 0;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText8.Color := savecolor[1];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText7.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 0;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 2 then
//If the StaticText9 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 1;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText9.Color := savecolor[2];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText8.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 1;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 3 then
//If the StaticText10 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 2;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText10.Color := savecolor[3];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText9.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 2;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 4 then
//If the StaticText11 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 3;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText11.Color := savecolor[4];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText10.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 3;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 5 then
//If the StaticText12 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 4;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText12.Color := savecolor[5];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText11.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 4;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 6 then
//If the StaticText13 cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 5;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText13.Color := savecolor[6];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText12.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 5;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    if markersave = 7 then
//If the StaticText14 cell - most Right cell of the bottom line
      markersave := 6;
      firstset := 0;
//Temporarily to resolve drawing a marker
      Form1.StaticText14.Color := savecolor[7];
//Restore bgcolor
        if firstset = 0 then Save_Color();
//Save color
        if firstset = 0 then Form1.StaticText13.Color := $00FD1117;
        if firstset = 0 then markersave := 6;
        if firstset = 0 then firstset := 1;
      vt := markersave;
//Save markersave
      markersave := 10;
//Disable misoperation (value 10 does not correspond to any cell)
    markersave := vt;
//Restore markersave
    n := 0;
    Moving to Right is similar.

    Handling of pressing down the key:
    procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
      Form1.Caption := IntToStr(Key);
      if Key = 37 then Move_Point_Left();
//Move to Left
      if Key = 39 then Move_Point_Right();
//Move to Right
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Now it is necessary to create only one procedure – a procedure of shifting the numbering of current gaming levels:
    function Level_Count : integer;
    lvl := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText6.Caption);
    lvl := lvl + 1;
    Form1.StaticText6.Caption := IntToStr(lvl);
    lvl := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText5.Caption);
    lvl := lvl + 1;
    Form1.StaticText5.Caption := IntToStr(lvl);
    lvl := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText4.Caption);
    lvl := lvl + 1;
    Form1.StaticText4.Caption := IntToStr(lvl);
    lvl := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText3.Caption);
    lvl := lvl + 1;
    Form1.StaticText3.Caption := IntToStr(lvl);
    lvl := StrToInt(Form1.StaticText2.Caption);
    lvl := lvl + 1;
    Form1.StaticText2.Caption := IntToStr(lvl);
    Attach a shifting procedure to the operations, for example:
    function Dn_Count : integer;
    n := 0;
    Level_Count(); //Shifting the numbering of current gaming levels
    A complete Delphi project of this game development stage is in the file (in
    Crosswalk Directory:
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    Now, this is a demonstrative moment: all software-realization procedures of the game Oflameron are ready. In other words, you have created a completely operable logical gaming program in Delphi 5.
    It is still early to introduce it as a commercial product as it still contains small faults. Removing such faults and configuring the game as a commercial product are dealt in the 2nd & 3d parts of the guidelines.
    Logical game OFLAMERON ( has several variants, such as tabular, card, cycle card, paper sheet tabular. Software versions of the game contain bigger scaling capabilities: playing area dimensions can be changed, as well as cells’ / cards’ nominal quantity, game branching types can; PDA /cellular versions can be created etc.
Warning! Free for any nonecommercial use and:
- the name of the game, game algorithm and the face values (nominals) of cards should be kept;
- the game, manual, code should contain the following text without changes:
" © by Valery V SHmeleff / Moscow,Russia 1996-2005 "

PYTHON Machine learning
    This is a project of Me. Also, let me say in advance that most of files in this repository are stored here just as the first example of our work. It was written using numpy and pytorch and this file doesn't affect our main program.
    Here are given three folders: rnn, selam and tasks. Let's define what each of them is dedicated for:
    rnn - this folder store the major part of our work, thus you can find code of the NN (and their saved states) and the important file with settings there
    selam - store the bash script which allow you to quickly generate data to train NN using SELAM generator
    tasks - mainly store .sbatch files which are used to run programs using SLURM
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      Android Java Developer - development of JAVA applications, classes, methods. Photo recorders, audio recorders, GPS and Network trackers, modules for UAV autopilots, high-quality Big Int PRNG (high-dimensional random number generators), large-dimensional prime number “generators”, RSA and AES encryption, working with SQLite, interface with instant messengers, application for studying foreign languages, HTML, PHP, VB, VBA.
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